This is my me doing my part to create a shift in the world from suffering to peace, love and fulfillment. Help me do this in most impactful way that I know how! There are many ways you can help.

Help Us Crowdfund

The first step is raising the funds for the development. Pick from a variety of awesome perks when you make a a contribution on Indiegogo, from self-love coaching, swag, to the opportunity to feature you and your business on the website. All contributors get one year free access to the app.

Would you like to become an investor? Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

However you can give will help make this possible and will make a difference.


Development & Design

Are you an app developer or graphic designer? We need you or your referrals! We need an experienced app developer to take us beyond the initial concept stage as soon as possible. Contact us with your resume and rates.

Does the idea of helping or develop the concept, functionality and content for this app inspire you? Would you like to join the design team? Let us know about yourself and how you’d like to get involved.


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Test & Suggest

Join our testing team! We need users to sign up for the beta version and help us discover bugs and resolve them. Get early access to the app and the opportunity to help shape the functionality.

As thanks, get lifetime free access to the premium app.

Contact us and let us know you are interested.



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