The Story

In the last couple of years, I’ve been noticing the passing of time and wondering how I am contributing to the world around me. Earlier this year, I meditated on how I could give back to the world in a way that would be fun and interesting to create, but also deeply impactful and broadly accessible to people. Very quickly, the idea for a smart phone app started to coalesce in my mind. I could see icons, screens, and the way people would interact with the app, all in service of developing more self-compassion and kindness.

I know from my own journey that developing the capacity for self-love is the path to deeper happiness. When we learn to really hear and see all the aspects of ourselves with kindness, healing can finally begin. Our perspectives shift. Many of our needs start to feel met. And, at the same time, learning to forgive ourselves, rather than judging ourselves, and learning to give ourselves what we need, rather than waiting for others to give it to us, is the basis for true empowerment. This experience of empowerment is the only true antidote to dis-empowerment, one of the most insidious and painful forms of human suffering of all time.

So much has unfolded since I even conceptualized this app: the tragic shooting of so many unarmed black men and women across the US, the countless deaths of Syrians at home or trying to flee, and one of the most lethal bombings ever in Iraq, among many other heart-breaking happenings. It’s hard to know what to do or how to help. But the one way I know we can help is by being kind and compassionate to ourselves first, because that amplifies our compassion for others, and that leads to compassionate action. And this is what will make the world a better place!

As I see it, relationships would be easier if we could soothe ourselves and meet many of our own needs. Following our hearts would be natural if we all felt empowered to live our lives the way we choose. Perhaps violence and crime would go down if we felt loved, empowered, enough. So this is my vision for the I Luv Me app, a tool that can provide support at all levels: from teaching people new practices and perspectives to providing daily support to just reminding us to stop in the midst of our busy lives and return to ourselves.

A few months after I had contracted with a developer and begun to share my project, I had surgery. While the surgery was minor, the recovery was difficult. My body wanted time to heal, and it used all kinds of tactics to prevent me from jumping back into life’s demands. I had no choice but to stop and be kind to myself. The whole experience served to reinforce the need to pay attention much more deeply to our minds, our bodies and our hearts – to make sure our own wellsprings are flowing and abundant, before we focus on serving others.

I am now fully recovered, slightly wiser and full of energy and excitement to continue with this project. I hope you will join me!